John C. Sciaccotta Shares Remote Expert Witness Testimony Insight as Moderator and "Judge" in FEWA/CBA Workshop


Aronberg Goldgehn John C. Sciaccotta shared remote expert witness testimony insight in a live interactive workshop hosted by the Forensic Expert Witnesses Association and the Chicago Bar Association on Wednesday, May 19.

In part two of “Remote Expert Witness Testimony in Jury Trials,” Illinois judges and attorneys gained guidance in determining how expert testimony should be conducted and regulated remotely. Included in the workshop were a series of live demonstrations such as practitioners and judges serving as expert witnesses, trial litigators and moderators.

Audience members also had an opportunity to share and receive feedback from participants who made assessments in real-time.

John is the current CBA Treasurer and was a Co-Founder of the CBA’s Mediation program. He has nearly 35 years of trial and litigation experience advocating for clients in complex civil litigation, arbitration, mediation and business counseling matters with a special emphasis on complex civil trial and appellate cases brought in federal and state courts and tribunals throughout the United States.

225 W. Washington St.Suite 2800Chicago, Illinois 60606

301 S. County Farm RoadSuite AWheaton, Illinois 60187