Alan S. Wernick to Discuss Corporate Counsel Negotiation Strategies in OSBA Webinar
Aronberg Goldgehn attorney Alan S. Wernick will help address techniques corporate counsel can take to effectively approach negotiations in the CLE accredited webinar, “Corporate Counsel Institute: Negotiation Strategies for Corporate Counsel” hosted by the Ohio State Bar Association on Friday, November 6 from 8:30 am – 4 pm EST.
Alan will join Marty Latz, founder of Latz Negotiation and one of the nation's leading authorities and instructors on negotiating techniques in addition to other attorneys to share insights on how attorneys can approach negotiations with a strategic mindset.
Attendees will come away from the webinar with knowledge on:
- The five golden rules of negotiation for corporate counsel
- How to gain leverage when seemingly powerless
- Strategies to get past “no” when the settlement or deal appears lost
- First offer dynamics: when to make it and when to wait
- Secrets to success with highly emotional counterparts
- Powerful agenda control techniques, including in mediations
- The power of deadlines and timing issues, especially at quarter or year-end
- When to be aggressive and when to be more collaborative
- Strategies to generate creative solutions
- Powerful information-gathering methods
Register for the event here.
Alan is an experienced business transactions attorney, advocate and arbitrator/mediator who concentrates his practice in the areas of information technology, privacy/cybersecurity and intellectual property. He has an extensive track record advising organizations acquiring, using and selling/licensing technologies and related services. Alan is also a prolific author and lecturer.