Legal Netlink Alliance Holds Spring General Meeting in Chicago


Legal Netlink Alliance, the premier international association of law firms, held its Spring General Meeting at the Standard Club in Chicago, Illinois on May 10th. The event was hosted by Windy City law firm Aronberg Goldgehn Davis & Garmisa, and was attended by more than 50 member firms.

The general session on Friday included presentations by LNA’s executive team, as well as two very interesting and informative sessions. Michael Marget, Senior Managing Director & CEO of 4L Law Firm Services, provided great information in a session titled, “No Law Firm Left Behind: Top 10 Financial Mistakes to Avoid.” This was followed by a panel discussion and Q & A regarding the impact of Obamacare on law firms and their clients. All sessions were very well received by attendees, and were the topic of conversation at Friday’s dinner at Phil Stefani’s 437 Rush.

Jay Frank, President of LNA USA, said “This year’s sessions were very relevant to every member firm, and will help us successfully navigate some of the most important issues affecting law firms today. This meeting was a great precursor to our upcoming meetings in Romania and Minneapolis, where we will celebrate the organization’s 20th anniversary.”

225 W. Washington St.Suite 2800Chicago, Illinois 60606

301 S. County Farm RoadSuite AWheaton, Illinois 60187